Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Second 2012 MA Trip

In exchange for watching the boys for BJ during many late-night Thunder playoff games in May and June, I received a four-day trip to Massachusetts to visit Sommer, Pete, Ellie, and Owen. George kept me company on this trip, and he made sure that there were never moments of boredom; this boy is both entertaining and on-the-go. Sommer described his personality as "winning," and I must say I agree. He hammed it up for nearly everyone he encountered during the four-day stretch! It was great to see Sommer and her family. Time with Baby Owen is so special and limited, so we plan to make lots of trips there during his lifetime. Our previous visit in March just seemed too long ago; good news for us is that their family is coming to crash our pad at the end of next month. A few highlights from our trip:

George and me at the airport dark and early on Friday morning.
Two buddies just chillaxin'

We spent Saturday in Rockport, MA on a girls' day out (plus George). Rockport sits right on the ocean (NOT the Cape, as I was quickly corrected) and is the home of a famous red building with lots of buoys hanging off of it that Sommer convinced her mother and me that we must have seen before. Said famous building is in the background. A simple Google search indicated that the building is called Motif #1.

Here I am trying to force my excitement on to George. It didn't work.

Somehow I didn't get pictures of Ellie. You should have seen her sporting a Patriots cheerleader outfit on Sunday for the big game, though. Too stinking cute. I showed up with Patriots colors (but no official Pats paraphernalia) for George and me to wear, and the family deigned to keep us in their home for the afternoon anyway. That was a close one. I also somehow never took a picture of the Dunkin Donuts iced coffees that were endlessly put into my hands. These are a coffee-loving people, and Dunkin's iced mocha almond coffee did not disappoint. George had me up so many times in the middle of the night that I do remember remarking my relief that "Dunks" (as they call it) is not a religious establishment that closes on Sundays. I stopped at two iced coffees that day, but I can't say the same of Som and Pete. Thanks to them both for a fantastic stay. I am beginning to feel like their home is a home of mine as well.

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