Monday, October 11, 2010

Good things to know

First off, let me add something to yesterday's post:
The person who handed down the copy of Eat, Pray, Love to me requested that after I finish it I hand it off to someone else who might enjoy it. So, if you're interested in reading the book then leave a comment here and I'll touch base with you about where I can send it.

I love sharing books and book ideas with people. You would think that I would be a member of a book club, but actually I'm not. When I'm reading a book, I often read and re-read particular parts that I enjoy, sometimes even whole chapters, before I feel ready to move on. It slows down the process, but that's really alright with me. A couple of suggestions for others who enjoy reading...

1. Nancy Pearl is a librarian from the Tulsa area who has published a couple of books about books. That's right, books about books. She is an avid reader beyond anyone I have ever heard of previously, and she has written two books entitled Book Lust and More Book Lust that give tons of ideas for great books to read on numerous topics. They have truly been great references for me and led me to authors and books that I otherwise might never have heard of. To think of my literary life without Van Reid or A Far Cry from Kensington evokes feelings of sadness. Also, she's super-receptive to emails from readers.

2. Shelfari! Shelfari Shelfari! I great website for organizing your personal virtual bookshelf, complete with covers. You can keep visual shelves of books you've read, books you own, books you want to own, and (most importantly) books you want to read. This way, when you're at the library and don't know what to get and are overwhelmed with choices, you can pull up your shelfari page and Voila! Your desires are at your fingertips. I am just the sort of person who has a hundred books I want to read or movies I want to see, and then when I'm put on the spot I blank. If you end up creating your own shelfari page, add me as a friend please! This completes the full circle of this entry, in which I love to read books and share book ideas with others.

Well, these posts won't all be about books, I promise. Have a great evening, friends.

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